Dear parent/guardian,

As part of our Enrichment programme we are now running regular activities on a Wednesday after school. These activities may be something educational, social or cultural to enhance the extracurricular opportunities available to our students.

On Tuesday 12th June we will be linking with the Suffolk Wildlife Trust to take students on a series of visits to an outdoor education centre at the Ager Fen. This week we will be learning about the wildlife which live in the waters of Arger Fen.

Students will need to bring a change of warm & waterproof clothing & suitable footwear, preferably old or casual clothes as we will be in woodland.

Students will need to meet at 3.15pm in the Lightwell ready to leave school at 3.20pm and we will be returning to the bus park at the front school car park for 6.15pm. Please indicate on the form below how your child will be making their way home.

The cost for this visit is £3, which includes their transport, workshop and any resources needed. Places are limited to 15 so these will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.

If you wish to secure your place please complete the reply slip below, along with a payment of £3 to Student Services.

Yours sincerely,

J Hilson

Enrichment Co-ordinator

To be returned to Student Services

Trip: Ager Fen – Stream Dipping

Tuesday 12th June 2018

Student Name…………………………………………………         Tutor Group…………………

I/We give permission for my son/daughter to take part in the above event and have enclosed a payment of £3 (or a cheque payable to Samuel Ward Multi Academy Trust)

Emergency Contact details:

Essential medical information:

Please indicate how you would like your child to travel home at 6.15pm:

            Collected by a parent/guardian

            Collect by someone else (please state):

Allowed to walk home

Signed…………………………………………………………                         Date……………………………………