‘TGS Scholars Cambridge University Inspiration Trip’

Dear Parent / Guardian,

I am delighted to inform you that your son /daughter has been selected to attend a student experience day at St Catherine’s College, University of Cambridge, on Tuesday 23rd January 2018.   At Thomas Gainsborough School we are keen to ensure our most able students are both inspired and supported on their pathways to further education and this forms part of the TGS Scholars programme.

The aim of the day is to inspire students and open pathways into prestigious Universities such as Oxford, Cambridge and those in the ‘Russell Group’.   Students will gain an insight into the life of an undergraduate at Cambridge University and come away with sound knowledge of what the university has to offer, as well as grades they need to achieve in order to gain a place there or at other leading Universities.  They will have a tour of the campus, a taster lecture and a museum visit.

We will travel to Cambridge in the school minibus and students need to be at school by 8.45am.  Students will have the pleasure of eating their lunch in St Catharine’s Hall courtesy of Cambridge University, but may wish to bring water, snacks or change for light refreshments through the day.  Please outline on the reply slip below if your son / daughter has any specific dietary requirements.   Students will be expected to wear full school uniform and will need appropriate outerwear for the tour of the grounds. 

The day is due to finish at 2.30pm and we therefore expect to be back at Thomas Gainsborough School at approximately 4.30pm, traffic depending, but will ensure your son / daughter contacts you to give you a more accurate arrival time.  Please make arrangements to collect them from the school bus park. 

The day is free of charge for students but we would ask for a contribution of £2.50 per student in order to support with travel costs. 

 If you are happy for your son / daughter to visit Cambridge University on Tuesday 23rd January 2018 please complete the reply slip overleaf and enclose cash or cheque (made payable to Samuel Ward Academy Trust) for £2.50 and return to Mrs Griss in Student Services, no later than Monday 18th December 2017.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me via email abutcher@tgschool.net or phone 01787 375232.


Mrs Amie Butcher

(Assistant Head Teacher)


Please return to Mrs Griss in Student Services no later than Monday 18th December 2017.

Thomas Gainsborough School

Cambridge University Visit, Tuesday 23rd January 2018

Students Name....................................................................                               Tutor Group.................

Medical information.............................................................................................................................

Dietary Requirements.............................................................................................................................

Emergency Contact Name............................................................Number………………………………………………………

I agree for my son / daughter to participate in the above event and will make appropriate arrangements to drop them off and collect them at the specified times.  I enclose cash / cheque (made payable to Samuel Ward Academy Trust) for £2.50.

Parent / Guardian Name (PLEASE PRINT) …………………………………….    Signed......................................................
