Work Experience for Years 10 - 13

Each student has an entitlement to 15 days work experience between years 10 – 13.  The programme is a personalised and quality experience.  Students are encouraged to do work experience at any time during the school year.  A risk assessment of the workplace may be required; this is undertaken by a qualified member of staff.  An agreement form must be signed by the employer.  The student must be supervised and will be visited during work experience by a member of the careers team.  Full employer information will be shared prior to the placement commencement.  All students have a Work Experience Logbook.

Employer Workshops

Employers visit Thomas Gainsborough School to present 30 minute workshops in the Careers Hub to introduce students to careers in their industry.  The employers give advice on employment applications and apprenticeships. The workshops are usually held at around 1pm.  A projector is available for use for power point presentations and videos, or employers may sit around a table for an informal discussion.

Sixth Form Assemblies

We encourage employers and alumni to book to present for 20 minutes to sixth form students during assembly. 

Enrichment Days – we have three per year

Mock Interviews for Year 10 and Year 13 Students

Employers are invited into school to conduct mock interviews for students.  The employers are supplied with a list of students to interview; this is usually 9-10 students throughout the day.  The Careers Team provide employers with student interview paperwork presented in a record of achievement folder to assess; for Year 10 the paperwork consists of a CV and cover letter.  The Year 13 interviews are more rigorous students are expected to provide a suitable personal statement or a UCAS application linked to their future career pathways; interviewers are selected to match the field of expertise chosen by the student.


Year 8 students prepare questions to ask employers.  Employers are seated with their marketing materials in a large room; students are split into small groups of around 5-6 and are placed with an employer to ask questions.  After a short amount of time a bell will ring and the students will move to the next employer and so on.

Preparation for work experience – Health and Safety in the workplace

Students in Year 9 begin the preparation for work experience in July.  They receive health and safety in the workplace training to ensure they are fully aware of the legal requirements regarding hazards, risks and control measures in the workplace.  Employers linked to Health and Safety training is welcome to support.

Enterprise Activities

We encourage our students to think outside the box, to work in small teams to create activities and games to compete with each other in a ‘Dragons Den’ type session.

Employers we need your support

If you would like to support Thomas Gainsborough School or are alumni then we would like to speak to you.

If you have new ideas to bring to our school, please get in touch.

If you are an expert in a particular field, want to provide information in curriculum lessons please email or telephone the Careers Team.

Email: or        Telephone: 01787 375232