A warm welcome to you all,
TGS Sixth Form is a vibrant community of students and teachers committed to achieving excellence in everything we do. As a sixth form, we take great pride in all our achievements.
As former TGS Sixth Form or Great Cornard Upper School students, we would really like to hear from you.
What are you doing now? Can you inspire our current TGS students into your field of work by attending one of our employer events and sharing your story. Please see the careers page of the main school website to see the variety of events you can take part in.
If the answer is yes, please get in touch with us:
kosborne@tgschool.net - Careers Manager
kalexander@tgschool.net - Head of 6th Form
We look forward to hearing from you...
Kind Regards
Mr K Alexander
Director of TGS Sixth Form
You can see what our current Sixth Form students are up to on our YouTube channel