In the Sixth Form we use a range of regular and personalised communications to support progress.

Regular Feedback

Regular feedback is provided to students from teachers through assessments and marking. This is available on work and in exercise books and is often the best source for specific actions on what to do next to improve.

Students should review and act on feedback routinely.

Topic and Assessment Plans

Students have also been provided with a plan of topics and assessment for the year. This will help guide them through the year and enable effective revision and tracking of performance in each topic.

Homeworks, assessments and marks are also available in our online tracking system Go4Schools. To access Go4Schools we will need to have an accurate record of the parents Email address. To confirm the contact details we have for you please email

Students and parents are able to view homeworks and assessments in Go4Schools

Mock and Year 12 Completion Exams

Throughout the year there are rigorous exams to help students guage their progress and gain confidence in facing the demands of Key Stage 5 exams. In addition to mocks in November for Y13, January and June external examination windows for vocational courses, we have formal end of Year 12 Completion Exams. These Completion Exams will be a crucial milestone to determine students progression into Year 13. Further information and timetables for exams is shared before each sequence. 

Use exams to test yourself and help develop skills and stamina needed for final examinations

Communication at Any Time

Do not feel that you ever need to wait for Academic Review Days if you have particular questions for teachers, tutors or the Sixth Form team. We are always happy to respond to emails or arrange meetings when required. Please do not wait until any concerns become critical. We prioritise early identification and correction of any emerging issues.

Contact teachers, tutors or the Sixth Form team using these contact details

University and Employment Support

We provide exceptional support for students to progress to university or employment. Activities to support students' progression also provide a useful focus for target setting and planning key actions. If you wish to discuss these programmes of support at any time please contact either our careers specialist Mrs Katy Osborne, or university applications adviser Dr Carl Talbot,

Contact careers specialist or university adviser when required