Our Designated Safeguarding Team

Christian Appleford
Deputy Headteacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Designated CLA Lead
Prevent Lead
Alison Hunt
Student Services Manager
Deputy DSL
Claire Jackson
Alternate Safeguarding Lead
Alternate E-Safety
Amanda Forster
Alternate Safeguarding Lead
Alternate E-Safety
Helen Yapp
Alternate Designated Safeguarding Lead
Nicola Wilby
Alternate Designated Safeguarding Lead
E-Safety Lead
Wellbeing Champion
Ian Shrubsole
Safeguarding Governor
Contact via Clerk to Governors kfuller@tgschool.net
Sue Leon
Chair of School Governing Body
Contact via Clerk to Governors kfuller@tgschool.net

Safety Online

Young people today are immersed in a digital world.  The power of digital media to explore, connect, create, and learn is part of our culture. With this power, young people have fantastic opportunities and yet they face many potential pitfalls.  As a school, we are proactive in sharing advice and guidance with our school community, illustrating both the positive and negative aspects associated with being digital. We explore the consequences of our actions and the ramifications associated with: cyberbullying, digital cheating, identity, self- image, digital footprint, communication and internet safety.  We understand that it is essential for all to have the necessary skills to be able to manage the online world.

These safety and security concerns underpin the need for children and young people to learn digital literacy and citizenship skills and to support pupils to act responsibly and to use the internet in a safe and positive way.

Think before you post, click here to find out more about the risks of oversharing information.

